Business Development

Business Partnership - strengthen your business network
- Assess your best Business options, and get a professional help in selecting the right partner, ...
Comprehensive and well documented ID Card, qualification sheet, prospective Partners' rating sheet, initial phone Meeting(s) (e.g. to assess interest, match, philosophy...), allowing for a Short List of potential Business Partners, ...
- Goal setting, means, sequential plan of action (french/english).
- Flat fee 6hrs.
- On/Off site, 2 modules of 3hrs.
- Market overview, movers & shakers, 1st list of ±5 possible Distribution Partners (french/english).
- Flat fee 6hrs.
- On/Off site, 2 modules of 3hrs.
- ID Card, portfolio, web, exhibitions, marketing activities... of ±5 possible Distribution Partners (french/english).
- Flat fee 6hrs.
- On/Off site, 2 modules of 3hrs.
- ID Card, qualifying (phone, mail, meeting), rating (interest) of 1x Distribution Partner (french/english).
- On/Off site, 1 module of 6hrs.

Product Portfolio - enlarge your business range
- Expand your Business ranges, with an additional product offer, to complete your own set of service and products, ...
Thorough Selection Process and assessment, with potential business product review weighting Matching criteria, synergies and common interests, to detect the right business opportunity and partnership in match with your core activities and competancies. Decisive operationnal Plan of Actions, ...
- Goal setting, means, sequential plan of action (french/english).
- Flat fee 6hrs.
- On/Off site, 2 modules of 3hrs.
- Market overview, movers & shakers, 1st list of ±5 possible Suppliers (french/english).
- Flat fee 6hrs.
- On/Off site, 2 modules of 3hrs.
- ID Card, portfolio, export, OEM, marketing activities... of ±5 possible Suppliers (french/english).
- Flat fee 6hrs.
- On/Off site, 2 modules of 3hrs.
Product Portfolio
- ID Card, qualifying (phone, mail, meeting), rating (interest) of 1x Supplier (in french or english).
- On/Off site, 1 module of 6hrs.

Fixed transportation fees (excl. meal & lodging), excl. VAT.
* excl. Visum fees.
- France 1: Zone Lyon- Dijon-Limoges-Toulouse-Marseille-Mulhouse €200
- France 2: Rest of France - excl. DOM-TOM €400
- Europe 14: DE Süd / AT / BE / HR / SP IT -Nord / LI / LU / NL / PT / SI / CH €500
- Europe 24: DE Nord / BA / DK / HU / IE / IT -Sud / CZ / UK / CS / SK €700
- Europe 45: AL / BY / BG / CY / EE / RU-(Moscow) / FI / GR / IS / LV / LT / MK / MT / MD / ME / NO / PL / RO / SE / TR / UA €850*
- ROW: Africa / Americas / Middle-East / Asia / Oceania on request
- As part of the development of its business, the company regularly review key countries and assess the markets and the best possibilities to get or expand in there. Prior to meeting with potential (representative) business partners, a macro analysis of the market/s is conducted per geographical area with the aim of assessing:
how is the market doing,
how potential partners are acting
and generally speaking what are the goals attached to the given market.
- As part of my own set of activities and extended service offer, I have been looking at partnering with other consulting companies, SIs (System Integrators) and ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) so to offer a comprehensive range of:
IT-project management (software development, cloud computing), ...
Innovative CRM solutions, ...
Country experts, in e.g. China, India, ...
dedicated to Small and Medium companies, which I have identified, listed, ranked and came to agreements with.