english -french - english translation

english -french - english translation
Translations into French

- Translate into accurate & current french/english, all of your support marketing material, so to get a local feel, look and touch, for a better reach, ...
Translations of any marketing material (e.g. brochures, newsletter, bulletin, web pages), or Business documents (e.g. collaborative agreement, sales contract, Terms of Sales, Instructions For Use) from/to english from/to (technical, commercial, plain) french, ...
Translations into french/english
- 2x A4 pages - Brochure - Newsletter - Bulletin - Webpage, from/to english from/to French.
- Office work, 1 module of 6hrs.
€850 excl. VAT
Reviews and corrections
- (equivalent) 10x A4 pages - Brochure - Newsletter - Bulletin - Webpage, already (pre translated) in French.
- Office work, 1 module of 6hrs.
€850 excl. VAT

Think global, act local
- Hire your own local native french Business Ambassador, helping you getting the most out of thorough business negociations, sales seminars, in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, ...
- Send a native French speaker and Business Manager to the main Trade Fairs to be held in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and efficiently reach for new french speaking customers & end-users, ...
Meeting and seminars preparation & rehearsals (e.g. goals, means, background, Q&A, worse/best cases scenarii), with active animation. Presence, updates & relays, with frequent briefings and debriefings, interpreting, coordinating on your behalf or by your side, with French Business Partners, end-users, salespeoples, ...
Trade Fairs & Events
- Pre-event coordination (lodging) & onsite animation.
- Office work, 1 module of 6hrs.
€850 excl. VAT
Seminars & Negotiations
- Presence, support, interpreting, sales animation with french/english speaking partner.
- On site, 1 module of 6hrs.
€850 excl. VAT

Fixed transportation fees (excl. meal & lodging), excl. VAT
- France 1: Zone Lyon- Dijon-Limoges-Toulouse-Marseille-Mulhouse €200
- France 2: Rest of France - excl. DOM-TOM €400
- Europe 6: BE / CH / LI / LU €500

- as a Mother tongue

- French is a rich and nuanced language I am glad to have had as a mother tongue.
- As for every languages, it evolves and changes with time, but remain.
- as a 1st professional language

- When I first understood why english was so important to master, I began to understand how interesting and useful it could be.
- I took the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) in 2008, and got a score of 643/677, and the TOEIC (Test of English for International Commerce), in 2016, and got a score of 970/990 making it among the top 5% (TOEFL) and top 3% (TOEIC) of those who took the tests, and allowing me to call myself "proficient" in english.
- as a 2nd professional language

- I have learned to enjoy rea-ding, writing, and speaking danish and took in 2008, the danish Test "Prøve i Dansk 3", which I passed. I also took, and passed, the Oral part of the danish Test Studies "Studieprøven".