Ref: 03 BEW-GB - Business English WORKSHOPS
- Duration: 2 days, 16 hours, in 4 half days
- Cost: To be determined
- Place: COGIS Formations - Oyonnax - Bourg en Bresse - Ambérieu
- Date: To be determined
- The aim here is to put the company's export managers in international business situations, by working on the implementation of current operational actions.
- Assimilate an accurate technical and commercial, situational, language
- Allow better written and oral communication in a given context
- Initiate a pro-active, perennial and transferable, approach to international business
- Manager / Business Executive
- Executive Assistant / new hires
- Anyone with a customer contact who wants to evolve internationally
- Modular approach according to experience/wish
- Alternation of theoretical contributions and prac-tical exercises from the participants' project
- Half day 1: Written communication
The effectiveness of good written communication, the basics of good mail correspondence, tips and tricks on electronic written correspondence, the structuring of one’s writings, the notions of associated languages
Practical work
- Half Day 2: Trade Fairs and Trade Shows
Language and vocabulary necessary to acquire befo-re the establishment of a foreign trade show presen-ce, the choice of its location and associated terms, tools for sales support and management of commercial animation.
Practical work
- Half Day 3: Business Meetings
Present and facilitate a business meeting, the teams and the role of each, the rules of savoir-être and how to conduct a meeting.
Practical work
- Half Day 4: Small Talking
Understand the iron rules of international business, where building trust and rapport with customers goes a long way through the appropriate small talking in many situations.
Practical work
Note: All modules can be conducted in French as well.