Ref: 02 DCIC-GB
SME/SMIs: The International Business Approach
- Consolidation
- Duration: 2 days, 14 hours, in 4 half days
- Cost: To be determined
- Place: COGIS Formations - Oyonnax - Bourg en Bresse - Ambérieu
- Date: To be determined
- The aim here is to formalize and structure the internationalization strategy of ones company and employees, by covering the various aspects and fundamentals that must be known and mastered, illustrated by practical cases, and a pragmatic experience in SME/SMIs
- To assimilate the methods and techniques of international expansion
- Study the companie’s degree of preparation for internationalization of its activity
- Initiate a pro-active, sustainable, and transferable way of acting internationally
- Manager / Business Executive
- Executive Assistant / new hires
- Anyone with a customer contact who wants to evolve internationally
- Modular approach according to experience / wish
- Alternation of theoretical contributions and practical exercises from the participants' project
- Half day 1:
What is my degree of preparation for export? Where/why going on foreign markets? What are our strengths and weaknesses in the matter?
My Management/Sales team: What influences will export have on my management resources, my ope-rational resources? What are the leverages to succeed at our disposal? Which ones should we develop further?
Which framing and measurement tools, should I consider for myself and my teams, in anticipation?
- Half day 2:
What tools to put in place? How to perpetuate my action beyond my borders? How to duplicate and extend it?
The management of the commercial offer on an international level; what habits to gain, not to gain
How to cover my risk-taking during trans-port, customs, final disposition
- Half day 3:
How to choose the most suitable mode of entry abroad?
The process of prospection, identification, selection of a potential distribution scheme
Managing my international business development; what styles, what constraints, what managerial keys ?
Export markets of proximities, geographic and cultural similarities/differences, overseas export markets; how to understand and tackle them?
How to build up of a Multi -level - cultural approach?
- Half day 4:
How to better build my international business offers?
The Marketing Information System, Customer Relationship Management, information Monitoring, how to organize my market intelligence?
The composition of my international marketing mix
Writing a matrix and a preparation index for my international development
Note: All modules can be conducted in French as well.