Business Management

Salespeoples management - emulate your representatives
- Review each Business area, with your salesperson. Assess how the last period of time went. Compare it with your expectations and what occured in the market. Plan for corrective and training actions, ...
Individual Portfolio analysis, achievements, potentials, set new quantitative & qualitative goals, establish a sequential & individual Plan of actions with key indicators and necessary follow-up actions, ...
Product trainings
- B-t-B Customers, Salespeople, End-Users -training, workshop, joint sales visits.
- On site, 1 modules of 6hrs.
- 1x language (english/french).
Sales Review
- Individual meeting, portfolio analysis, achievements, goals setting, action plan.
- On site, 1 modules of 6hrs.
- 1x language (english/french).

Strategic planification - entrust your business partners
- Review each Business partner, with their Management. Assess how their situation (e.g. Commercial, Managerial, Financial, ...) is and the impact on your collaboration. Compare it with your expectations and what is going on, on the market. Plan for corrective and alternative actions, ...
Business & product portfolio analysis and collaboration review (e.g. level of sales achievements, payment issues, sales forces- marketing- and service support- commitments, ...), set new quantitative & qualitative goals, establish a sequential & individual Plan of actions with key indicators and necessary follow-up actions, ...
Network Management
- Business reviews, milestones, sales and promotion means and sequential plan of actions.
- On site, 1 modules of 6hrs.
- 1x language (english/french).

Fixed transportation fees (excl. meal & lodging), excl. VAT.
* excl. Visum fees.
- France 1: Zone Lyon- Dijon-Limoges-Toulouse-Marseille-Mulhouse €200
- France 2: Rest of France - excl. DOM-TOM €400
- Europe 14: DE Süd / AT / BE / HR / SP IT -Nord / LI / LU / NL / PT / SI / CH €500
- Europe 24: DE Nord / BA / DK / HU / IE / IT -Sud / CZ / UK / CS / SK €700
- Europe 45: AL / BY / BG / CY / EE / RU-(Moscow) / FI / GR / IS / LV / LT / MK / MT / MD / ME / NO / PL / RO / SE / TR / UA €850*
- ROW: Africa / Americas / Middle-East / Asia / Oceania on request
- As the highly specialized field of application for dental implantology required quite a deep scientific and best practises knowledge, the company's network of representative, and their end-users (dental surgeons and ONT specialists), were regularly proposed a series of onsite trainings. The company dispatched well known and experienced surgeons to run live surgeries, expertise sharing and held lectures in different part of the world. A comprehensive training calendar was organized and proposed at the start of each year, articulated around level of required expertise and associated goals.
- Every business partner of the company is periodically met for an overall business review. The idea being to continuously monitor the achievement of the network and make sure the performance meets the assigned objectives. As part of the business review, the following topics were assessed: