Short about me...

Company : Sarl Palauva - RCS Vienne - Siret 800 103 954 - with a Capital of €2,000
Location : La Tour du Pin - France (between Lyon-Grenoble-Geneva).
Age : 49
Education : Graduated School of Business, with an initial degree in mechanics
Employment status : Self employed - Full time
Languages : French (mother tongue), English (fluent), Danish (fluent), Italian (able), Spanish (some)
Interests : Travel, outdoor activities, sports, economics...
Next goal : Pursue my Doctorate in Business Administration and start working on my Doctoral Thesis
...my background...
- Ever since I have graduated at the Grenoble Ecole de Management school, year 1993, I have pursued an international career path which led me to held different international positions, focusing on global sales and marketing developments, traveling intensively in 49+ countries, while stationed in France and Denmark.
- Along the years, I have furthermore been employed in companies of different sizes, activities, scopes and management styles, which gradually provided me with an extensive experience of the business roles and models to be met over the world. Those intensive years provided me indeed with what was at first just an idea, and then became the ground base for a lasting center of interest, which in turn could be a full part of a more comprehensive work project, and may lead to the creation of an advising practise, focused on business developments.
- Having taken both the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language), the TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication), and GMAT (General Management Admission Test) tests, I could see confirmed my distinctive standard of English, especially in the written and analytical forms. It appears also clear that my previous professional positions provided me with the chances of having to edit many trade articles and online projects, published in Europe and USA, and which helped me develop a special acumen for business writing and publication.
- On a more personal level, I have along the years developed an appetite for reading, listening and articulate phrasing, whether in French, Danish or English, which takes its roots into an extreme curiosity and great pleasures to play with words and ideas. Finally my traveling showed me how small, and beautiful, the world is... for those eager to reach for it!

"Anyone who thinks the sky is the limit, has limited imagination" (unknown)
...and Add-wise Conseils.

- Pragmatism: Well proven, non fancy, operational concepts and "down to business" implementation
- Commitment: Understanding that time is of the essence, while keeping open and curious
- Expertise: 15+ years in leading sales & marketing positions held in France and abroad, with a track record of efficiency
- Focus: Very small firms and business, eager to expand out of their boundaries and willing to optimize their efforts
- Dedication: Pure Business to Business advising practise, established for the long run with professional clients
- Accessibility: Flexible, human size, internationally connected and modular practise